Benefits of Mobile Facial Biometric Verification Technology


Using mobile facial biometric verification is among the things that you can do to improve the security of your business. Facial recognition is a biometric software application that is capable of uniquely identifying or verifying a person by comparing and analyzing patterns based on facial contours. This technology is most commonly used for security purposes, even though there has been increasing interest in other areas of use. The following are some of the advantages of mobile facial biometric verification.

First of all, this technology can lead to improved public security. This technology is proliferating among law enforcement agencies in the United States of America. Cities such as New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago, as well as hundreds of state and local law enforcement agencies, are already using the technology. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) also uses this technology to check 97 percent of international passengers.

Those in favor of mobile facial biometric verification cite various benefits.  One of the benefits is that it makes it easier to track down burglars, thieves as well as trespassers. This technology is capable of analyzing the feed of both private and public CCTV camera networks. However, this technology is not just limited to tracking down criminals. For example, it could also be used for finding missing children as well as seniors. If face recognition technology is implemented properly, it could make security checkpoints at airports less intrusive to passengers.

Public outrage over unjustified searches and stops are a source of constant hassle and controversy for law enforcement officers. This is yet another area in which there may be advantages of face recognition technology. With this technology, suspects can be singled out among crowds, and in so doing it could help decrease stops as well as searches on law-abiding citizens. The sole knowledge of the presence of a face recognition system also serves as deterrence to petty crime.

For more information on the benefits of mobile facial biometric verification technology, visit our website at


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