The Benefits of Identity As A Service


Identity as a Service is a technology that you definitely want to consider if you want to improve the security of your organization. It is a cloud-based authentication that is built and operated by a third-party provider. IDaaS providers supply cloud-based authentication or identity management to enterprises who subscribe.

Identity as a Service can be used for a number of different applications, one of them being adaptive multi-factor authentication. This is a feature where users submit multiple factors in order to gain entry to the network (thus increasing security over single-factor authentication) and access is granted dynamically, depending on  the risk that users present.

Single sign-on is the other application of identity as a service. This allows users to sign on only once at the network perimeter, and with that single effort, in order to gain access to whichever parts of the company's constellation of programs as well as resources are authorized.

There are quite a number of benefits of using IDaaS in your business. The chief benefit is the savings that you will get. Provisioning identity on site, with software like Active Directory Domain Services, can be full of costs. You have to keep up servers; buy, upgrade, and install software; back up data regularly; pay hosting fees; monitor the additional turf on the premises for network security; set up virtual private networks, and much more. The good news is that with identity as a service, costs drop to the subscription fee and the administration work.

Apart from the savings that you will get, return on investment for identity as a service includes improved cybersecurity as well as saved time with faster logins and fewer password resets. Whether someone is signing in from open Wi-Fi at an airport or from a desk in their home or office, the process is seamless and secure. The improved security can keep your organization from facing a hack or breach that might topple your business.

For more information on the benefits of Identity as a Service, visit our website at


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