Things To Know About The FIDO Authentication Technology
If you still use passwords to secure your business systems, it is important to consider switching to FIDO authentication . This technology is the answer to the world’s password problem. More specifically, it is an authentication protocol that was created by the FIDO Alliance. It replaces the typical password-only online login with other more secure and much faster login options. Considering the importance and benefits of multi factor authentication , below are some of the things you need to know about this technology. First of all, FIDO authentication mitigates the most common cybersecurity threats. Cyber-attacks such as phishing, man in the middle and man in the browser are a massive threat to regular online authentication. But password-less options that are offered by FIDO authentication have successfully reduced the risks for having such types of attacks. FIDO authentication could also replace passwords with biometrics. This leads to a better user experience. It al...