Things To Know About The FIDO Authentication Technology
If you
still use passwords to secure your business systems, it is important to
consider switching to FIDO authentication.
This technology is the answer to the world’s password problem. More specifically,
it is an authentication protocol that was created by the FIDO Alliance. It
replaces the typical password-only online login with other more secure and much
faster login options. Considering the importance and benefits
of multi factor authentication, below are some of the things you need to
know about this technology.
First of
all, FIDO authentication mitigates the most common cybersecurity threats. Cyber-attacks
such as phishing, man in the middle and man in the browser are a massive threat
to regular online authentication. But password-less options that are offered by
FIDO authentication have successfully reduced the risks for having such types
of attacks.
FIDO authentication could also replace
passwords with biometrics. This leads to a better user experience. It also stores
credentials on the user’s device, something that helps eliminate the fear that
centralized storage, which is out of the user’s reach, will be compromised.
Alliance is comprised of over 250 leading organizations. Some of these are the
world’s leading vendors, service providers, relying parties, platform and
browser providers such as Google, Firefox, and Microsoft.
Alliance uses 3 sets of specifications. The first one is the Universal
Authentication Framework (UAF) that is made to provide a password-less
experience with plug-in and built-in authenticators. The Universal Second
Factor (U2F) boosts the security that password-based mechanisms provide by
offering a second factor authentication option. The last one is the Client to
Authenticator Protocol (CTAP) that was introduced in FIDO2. It expands the UAF
and U2F functions by providing an out-of-device authenticator.
For more information on the FIDO authentication
technology, visit our website at
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