The Benefits of Biometric Identification Technology
If you are
not yet using biometric identification technology,
it is something that you should seriously consider implementing. Biometrics
simply refers to the measurement and analysis of an individual’s physiological
or behavioral traits. Experts break down multi-factor authentication of a
person’s identity by technology into three parts, namely knowledge, possession
and inherence.
falls into the possession and inherence parameters. When a service or device
uses biometrics for identity verification, its purpose it simply to verify that
a user is who they claim they are by comparing their biometric input with the
biometric data that has previously stored previously. The following are some of
the benefits of this technology.
First of all, biometric identification promotes
high security and assurance. Biometrics provide improved levels of assurance to
providers that a person is who they say they are by verifying a tangible,
real-world trait as both something the user has as well as something the user
passwords, PINs and personal identifying information that most people use have
likely been compromised with a data breach, meaning that billions of accounts
can be easily accessed by fraudsters that retain the answers to the traditional
authentication methods. When biometric authentication is introduced into the
process, it adds in a road-block for fraudsters that only a real, authorized individual
can be able to circumnavigate.
While a
fraudster may know that a person uses their dog’s name as well as some lucky
numbers for most of their online accounts, they cannot be able to use their
fingerprint to unlock an account if they are not able to provide it on the
spot. Moreover, biometrics are things that can only be provided by living,
breathing people, meaning that a robot would have a hard-time passing an iris
For more information on the benefits of biometric identification technology, visit our website at
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